Selasa, 19 Januari 2016

Buku Dialectic of Religion and Culture

(A Comparison of Emperor Akbar’s Spiritualism
“Din-i-Ilahi” in Dabistan-i-Mazahib and Sultan Agung Hanyokrokusumo’s “Manunggaling Kawula Gusti” in Serat Sastra Gendhing)

Dr. H. Noor Achmad, MA
Dr. H. Mudzakkir Ali, MA
Nanang Nurcholis, S.Th.I., MA


Dr. H. Noor Achmad, MA
Dr. H. Mudzakkir Ali, MA
Nanang Nurcholis, S.Th.I., MA

Diterbitkan oleh:
Wahid Hasyim University Press
Jl. Menoreh Tengah X Sampangan
Semarang 50236
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Cetakan pertama, Januari 2016
ISBN:  978-602-8273-55-8

It is undoubtedly that the study on the origin and development of Islamic thought in India and Indonesia is very interesting because they have been engaged in strong historical ties since very earliest time. Due to this fact, India and Indonesia share some features in common. This statement is in line with Winstedt’s thesis as quoted by Steenbrink that “until the nineteenth century the Malay people (including Indonesia) received everything from India: their religion, their political system, astrology, medicine, literature, art and technical skills”. This thesis of course needs evidence particularly textual evidence. Our study on “Dialectic of Religion and Culture: A Comparison Study on Emperor Akbar’s Spiritualism of Din-i-Ilahi in Dabistan-i-Mazahib and Sultan Agung Hanyokrokusumo’s of Manunggaling Kawula Gusti in Serat Sastra Gendhing aims to find out the meeting point between the two, especially their similarity and commonality.
Emperor Akbar and Sultan Agung based on historical facts when they ascended the throne were facing the same issues, namely diversity in religion, belief, culture, tradition, language, sect, and etc. In term of religion for example in India there were so many religions survive such as Hindus as majority and Islam, Christian, Buddhism, Sikh, Jainism, Zoroaster as the minority. The similar situation was also found in Java at that time there were Hindus, Buddhism, Islam, Christian, Animism and Dynamism or Kejawen. To manage the diversity they did the same effort, trying to dialogue between religion (Islam) and culture. It has far-reaching consequences on their political and religious thought and policy. 
Emperor Akbar promulgated Din-i-Ilahi was mainly based on the Indian diversity in religion, belief, sect, culture, tradition, norm, language, and etc and. In term of religion, there are Hindus as majority and Islam, Buddhism, Sikh, Jain, Christian, Zoroaster as minority. This situation absolutely makes Akbar to design political unification in which he has two vital roles; as king/ruler in on side and spiritual power in other side. What Akbar did was parallel Sultan Agung Hanyokrokusumo did in facing diversity.
With regard to religious thought, the similarity of both was reflected in the system of calendar. Akbar's attempt at introducing a combined calendar of Islamic and Hindu calendar paralleled with Sultan Agung’s. Emperor’s Akbar spiritualism of Din-i-Ilahi as mentioned in Dabistan-i-Mazahib contains the horizontal relationship: among human being, and vertical relationship: God and human being. Meanwhile Sultan Agung Hanyokrosumo’s spiritualism of Manunggaling Kawula Gusti as mentioned in Serat Sastra Gendhing also contains the horizontal relationship: among human being, human being and universe and vertical relationship: God and human being.
In short, although Emperor Akbar and Sultan Agung have similarity in their spiritualism but the direct communication of both is impossible based on lifetime of theirs (Sultan Agung, 1613-1645 & Akbar 1555-1605 M). However, we have assumed that Sultan Agung was influenced by Emperor Akbar through dissemination of Mughal literatures such as Akbarnama, Ain-i-Akbari, Dabistan-i-Mazahib brought by traders and religious preachers who visited Indonesia mainly Aceh and Java at that time. In addition, Akbar’s thoughts might possibly become global discourse that had a great influence to the surrounding countries. These findings are also supported by the opinion of Prof. Syed Ali Zaidi, a historian of Jamia Millia Islamia University and our research collaborator.    


All thanks and praise is due to Allah the Almighty. We ask Him to send His peace, blessings and mercy upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad, his family, companions, and all those who follow his way till the Day of Judgment.
First of all, we would like to express our deepest thank to Prof. Dr. Nur Syam, M.Si, the former of Director General of Islamic Education and Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, M.A., former of Director of the Islamic Higher Education of Ministry of Religious Affairs for giving us the opportunity of conducting research entitled “Dialectic of Religion and Culture: A Comparison of Emperor Akbar’s spiritualism in Din-i-Ilahi, Mughal Dynasty India and Sultan Agung’s in Manunggaling Kawula Gusti, Mataram Kingdom Indonesia. 
We wish to express my gratitude to Drs. H. Khaeroni, M.Si, former head of Sub-Directorate of Research, Community Service and Scientific Publication of Islamic Higher Education and Zidal Huda, S.Ag., M.H., for their valuable motivation and encouragement.
 We are very grateful to Prof. Syed Inayet Ali Zaidi, a historian from Jamia Millia Islamia University India for supervising this research, without his guidance, and very important suggestions, it would have been impossible for us to complete this work. We have been indeed fortunate to have him as our research collaborator. A great appreciation is also due to Prof. Dr. Joko Surjo, a historian from Gadjah Mada University who kindly read and reviewed it. It would be very useful for the improvement of this study. 
We are also very grateful to Prof. Dr. Talat Ahmad, the Vice Chancellor of Jamia Millia Islamia University for his valuable time to discuss and share with us about the opportunity of research collaboration between Jamia Millia Islamia University and Wahid Hasyim University Semarang. It is indeed starting from this research, finally the University of Wahid Hasyim Semarang and Jamia Millia Islamia University India has officially made the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and has been signed on August 30, 2015 at the International Seminar and Conference on the Golden Triangle (Indonesia-India-China) Interrelation in Science, Religion, Culture and Economic.
We would like to extend our thanks to Prof. Dr. Phil. H. Kamaruddin Amin, M.A., Director General of Islamic Education, Prof. Dr. H. Amtsal Bahtiar, Director of the Islamic Higher Education, Dr. Mamat S. Burhanuddin, Head of Sub-Directorate of Research, Community Service and Scientific Publication of Ministry of Religious Affairs whose support and encouragement are very important for us to continue our researches particularly on Nusantara Islam in the future.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to Prof. Sunita Zaidi, Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Languages for facilitating us to meet with the Vice Chancellor of Jamia Millia Islamia University India and Dr. Mukesh Ranjan, Coordinator of International Relations Office who was always willing to discuss and give his best suggestions to finalize the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). It would never have been realized without him.
We would like to thank to the Indonesian Embassy to India, especially to Mr. Rizali W. Indrakesuma, the ambassador of Indonesia to India who received us warmly and Prof. Dr. Iwan Pranoto, Education Attache and his staff, Alam Amrullah, for providing us the facilities during our stay in India. A great debt is owed to the various persons, too numerous to name, especially Mohd Tahseen Zaman who translated Urdu materials for us and Dr. Gayas Makhdumi, Director of Zakir Husain Library of Jamia Millia Islamia University India and Dra. Riharyani, Head of Sono Budoyo Museum Yogyakarta and her staffs who assisted us in locating and gaining access to the rare and extremely valuable sources and references there. Last, but not least, our thanks go out to Rector of Wahid Hasyim University (Unwahas), Ifada Retno Ekaningrum, M.Ag, Head of Research and Community Service Centre and Nur Cholid, M.Ag., M.Pd as well, Dean of Islamic Religion Faculty, University of Wahid Hasyim Semarang for their valuable encouragement.
Finally we do hope that this study will give a valuable contribution to find out the origin and development of Islamic thoughts both in Indonesia and India particularly reconstruction the epistemology of Nusantara Islam.       
Semarang, Januari  2016
Team of Investigators:
Noor Achmad
Mudzakkir Ali
Nanang Nurcholis


This study is basically inspired on an interesting phenomenon in Islamic history in India and Indonesia. It is Akbar the Great and Sultan Agung of Mataram sultanate regarded by most historians as phenomenal figures who successfully reached the Golden Age in their own history. In general, they were facing the same problem on diversity in religion, belief, sect, tradition, culture, norm, language and etc. Both of them tried to dialogue between religion and culture to create harmonious life among all religions. Principles of Akbar’s spiritualism of Din-i-Ilahi as mentioned in Dabistan-i-Mazahib and those of Sultan Agung’s Manunggaling Kawula Gusti in Serat Sastra Gendhing have some in common and similarities. They were principally influenced by sufi doctrine of Ibn ‘Arabi, wahdat al-wujud. Their spiritualism has the similar features: the teaching of relationship among human being (horizontal) and relationship between human being and God (vertical). This research uses historical and hermeneutical approach to analyze the thoughts. The findings are Emperor Akbar and Sultan Agung have similarity in their spiritualism. But the direct communication of both is impossible based on lifetime of theirs (Sultan Agung, 1613-1645 & Akbar 1555-1605 M). However, we have assumed that Sultan Agung was influenced by Emperor Akbar through dissemination of Mughal literatures such as Akbarnama, Ain-i-Akbari, Dabistan-i-Mazahib brought by traders and religious preachers who visited Aceh and Java at that time. In addition, Akbar’s thoughts might possibly become global discourse that had a great influence to the surrounding countries including Indonesia. These findings are also supported by the opinion of Prof. Syed Ali Zaidi, a historian of Jamia Millia Islamia University and our research collaborator.   
Keyword: spiritualism, religion, culture, beneficence, total attachment      

PREFACE ……………………………………...…….
ABSTRACT ……………………………..……………. 
TABLE OF CONTENTS .……………...…………… 
A.    Background …………………………  
B.     Problem Formulation ……………….
C.     Objectives and Benefits ……………..
D.    Review of Literature ………………..
E.     Theoretical Framework …………….
F.      Research Method …………………...
G.    Scope ………………………………..
H.    Data and Sources ……………………
                        CULTURE …………………………. 
A.  Religion ……………………………...   
B.  Culture …………………………………
C.  Dialectic of Religion and Culture……  
A. History………………………………….
B. Definition……………………………… 
C. Principles of Spiritualism………………
D. Spiritualism in Islam……………………
E. Principles of Spiritualism in Islam……
                         MATARAM KINGDOM …………   
A. Emperor Akbar………………………  
B. Sultan Agung Hanyokrokusumo………
A. Emperor Akbar’s Spiritualism……….
B. Sultan Agung Hanyokrokusumo’s
A.    General Similarities ………………….
B.     Religious Policy ………………………
A.    Conclusion …………………………….
B.     Recommendation ………………………

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